Americold – New Team Makes Creative Changes in Cold Chain Management
Atlanta, Georgia USA
June 25, 2009
Richard Armstrong
Key Personnel:
Jos Opdeweegh, President & CEO
Neal Rider, President International Operations
Tim Oglesby, CIO & EVP Quality
Chris Hughes, EVP Business Development & Supply Chain
Greg Bryan, EVP Transportation & Customer Service
Mark Charles Smith, EVP Operations
Maryam Komejan, EVP Human Resources
Ron Hutchison, CFO
The ownership of Americold changed just over a year ago. The new owner, Yucaipa Companies, is interested in creating a world class third-party logistics company. Nine months ago Yucaipa made Jos Opdeweegh, the CEO with a mandate to build a high quality, integrated cold supply chain provider capable of international expansion. Some of the key players Opdeweegh needed were in place. Others were added to remake Americold from the world’s largest warehousing company into the world’s best cold chain 3PL.
The increased functionality for the new Americold manifests itself in:
- Improving the quality and standardized operating processes at its 104 refrigerated warehouses. All of the warehouses are being ISO certified to insure uniform quality processes. A 25-person Lean Sigma Continual Improvement team has been established and has identified millions of dollars of cost improvement initiatives.
- A national temperature-controlled transportation management program emphasizing:
- Less-than-truckload (LTL) mode optimization for multiple vendors from 11 key consolidation points. This optimization is the core of Americold’s national LTL cold distribution system.
- End-to-end matching of loads for continuous movements that lower empty miles by 7% to 12% and shipper costs by 3% to 5%.
- Over the last two years, the utilization of in-house dedicated trucking capacity for local distribution center support and key short haul lane control. This recent dedicated carriage expansion gives Americold increased integrated service solutions for its customers.
- The i-3PL technology platform. This Internet-based platform operates in real-time with integrated warehouse management system (WMS) and transportation management system (TMS) information.
- A centralized National Service Center (NSC) in Atlanta, GA handling exceptions for order and inventory management and reporting for all customers. Operations are paperless and systematic.
Warehousing – The Core Competency
Americold has 27 million square feet of refrigerated warehousing space in 104 facilities. The average facility is 265,000 square feet with 4.8 million cubic feet of cooler and freezer space. Warehousing activities account for 69% of Americold’s $870 million in yearly revenues. Americold estimates that it has 30% of the U.S. temperature-controlled logistics market.
Each warehouse has an information control board which tracks the key metrics.