Minsheng Logistics Sichuan Co., Ltd.
Chengdu, China Site Visit
March 29, 2016
Eric Xiang
Key Personnel:
Mr. Wu Wenyi, Head of Marketing & Sales
Minsheng Logistics Sichuan Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd. under group company Minsheng Shipping Co., Ltd., a famous private company with significant history dating back to 1925. Minsheng Shipping Co., Ltd. set up a joint venture company with the Chinese government in 2009 and started the logistics operation. Minsheng Logistics is headquartered in Chongqing with branch offices located in Chengdu, Yibing, and Luzhou of the Sichuan province, as well as Wuhan, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other main cities in China.