3PL Case Study Development/Site Visit Request

Thank you for your interest in having A&A develop a case study report on your company. For this service we charge a flat $7,000 fee/honorarium to cover our time for the day to visit your operation and to write the report. We also ask to be reimbursed for any out-of-pocket travel expenses. Please complete the following form and we will contact you to schedule a visit.

3PL Case Study Development/Site Visit Request Form

Case Study/Site Visit Terms & Conditions:
1. The company requesting a site visit (Company) and subsequent case study report agrees to pay a one-time honorarium of $7,000 to Armstrong & Associates, Inc. (A&A) to cover its time in performing a site visit and for its time in writing the report. Company also agrees to reimburse A&A for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred (travel, lodging, meals, etc.) in performing the site visit and drafting the report. The honorarium and reimbursable expenses are due for payment by Company within 30 days of invoice date.

2. Company will receive a draft copy of the report prior to publication to review and recommend changes or make factual corrections. As part of this agreement, A&A reserves the right to only publish content it agrees to and retains full editorial integrity. Should the time involved to review, discuss, and make any revisions to a case study exceed one hour of A&A’s time, Company will be billed at an hourly rate of $300 per hour for all subsequent time.

3. A&A will email the final report draft to its newsletter list, publish it with Company’s profile in “Who’s Who in Logistics and Supply Chain Management” (if Company has a profile or one can be completed at that time), and post the case study report in the appropriate section of its website for public viewing.